Saturday, November 29, 2008

The BS Show: Trailer


Hello all! This is a long time coming! After working in the online world and searching for blogs left and right for research and publicity campaigns, well--it was time I created a blog of my own!

Now, I'm not quite sure what direction this blog will go in. If I learned anything from my company (ahem, FORMER company), Special Ops Media, is that if you pick a certain genre and stick to it, there's potential for a lot of free stuff to be thrown my way for "review/feature!" But I'm not about getting free stuff. I get enough of that through my bargain shopping.

And I'm also not doing this blog for others--this baby's for me, my friends, and the creeps out there who just can't get enough BS!

So thanks for checking out the blog! If you enjoy my crazy sense of humor, then you've come to the right place!


<3 Brooke