Monday, May 31, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Why Every Weekend Should Be a 3-Day Weekend

Ok, let's be real here. How many of us love life after this Memorial Day weekend? With 3 days off, it got me thinking every weekend should be a 3-day weekend! Here's why; because we need:

1) 1 Day to Run Errands
Whether it's running to the bank, shopping for groceries, buying some new shoes or stopping by the post office, running errands could take up a good chunk of the day. But there's nothing more satisfying than crossing off these tasks on our imaginary to-do list. With that said though, the amount of time it takes for us to be productive on the weekends means we're still kind of on the job, albeit a job for our personal life!

2) 1 Day to Clean
This I seldom take care of as much as I should. Sure, when you live in a small room like I do, not putting a few things back means your room looks like a mess. But I always wonder when I'll get a chance to clean out my closets and get rid of things I don't need/use anymore. But it's not really on the top of my to-do list like errands, so I normally don't
want to find the time to do it!

3) 1 Day to Relax
If this weekend proved anything, it's that relaxing outdoors in the sun, hanging with friends and family, and doing anything to take our minds off work and any other task we need to accomplish is more than welcomed. Sometimes we're just too busy to get a chance to do that, which is why a 3-day weekend is needed to get ready for the work week. And no matter how much you love your job, the only thing better than a 3-day weekend is the 4-day work week that follows!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Top 3: Reasons Why I Love Weddings!!!

This Sunday, my cousin is getting married, which means 200 others and myself get to enjoy the day-long partayy!

1) Dressing Fancy, Then Stuffing My Face With Food
Now considering I'm a enduring a week-long fasting so that I can just zip up my slightly tight dress, the wedding food is going to taste that much better after the lettuce I'm eating these next few days. But I do love putting on a cute dress, seeing guys all handsome in their suits and tuxes and chowing down on hors devours and a five-course meal. The only question is whether I can then UNZIP my dress after my feast!

2) Everybody Out On The Dancefloor!
Ok, I've been to a decent amount of weddings, but being Jewish and growing up in a pretty big Jewish town, I've also been to my share of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. And as much as I find the game Coke and Pepsi enlightening entertainment, thank god 13-yr-olds do not overtake the dance floor at weddings. DJs or bands, it's bound to be a fun time, whether you're out dancing yourself, or making fun of your family's dance moves.

3) 2 Words- Open. Bar.
And I'm not even a big drinker! But knowing that the option is there to cut loose with family and friends is awfully tempting. Hmm, let's try this new drink, Nope, not a fan. Can you make this one for me? Awesome, thanks. If not for me to take advantage, it's also great to see people drunk who you wouldn't expect (I'm talking about you, Grandma!) and then see them bust-a-move on the dance floor!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Brooke's Best & Worst City to Date

BEST: New York City
With so many options, what could be bad? NYC is the most diverse city in the world and with so much to do from eating at the best restaurants and bars to museums, Broadway shows and walks in Central Park that there are plenty of options for a date. (I went to college in Binghamton. I'm sorry but walking up and down the aisles of Walmart does not qualify as a date.) In a city so diverse, there's bound to be the type of guy/girl you're looking for to date, from the douchy finance guys to struggling musicians to anorexic models, you should be able to find the person of your dreams here!

WORST: New York City
With so many options, what could be bad? Having so many options could be. There's over 10 million people living in NYC. So why settle for medicrity? With hundreds of bars and clubs to scope around, this city is too damn fun to be single in. And that's how people stay. If you're like most people who's ultimate goal is to not just date but find a husband or wife, be prepared for that not to happen until you're at least 30. People are just too tempted by the perks of singlehood.

And why wouldn't they be. Isn't it the best city to date? Or is it? Hmm...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Shows to Watch This Summer

1) Bethany Getting Married
If you have ever watched the Real Housewives of New York City, you know that Bethany could possibly be the funniest reality star on television. So it's only fitting Bravo handed her her own show. Bethany, who will be planning her wedding and the pregnancy of her baby, always says a witty line to make fun of a catfight between the other ladies or any situation she's in. If you're a reality TV junkie, and love to laugh too, you must watch Bethany and ever ounce of airtime she deserves on Bravo.

2) Hard Knocks
I'll admit, not many people will go from suggesting Bethany Getting Married to Hard Knocks, an HBO documentary series that follows the New York Jets in training camp. But even though I might have some New York bias, this show is not just going to be entertaining but interesting too. HBO takes you behind the scenes at a camp that includes: Coach Rex Ryan, who has the largest personality to match the largest gut in the NFL, the sexy quarterback Mark Sanchez in his sophmore season, plus big-name additions like Jason Taylor and LaDanian Tomlinson. Football fans or not, there's plenty going on with a team one game away from the Super Bowl last year to make this show a bonafide hit.

3) Last Comic Standing
I don't think there's any show that has gone through more format changes, hosts and cancellations than Last Comic Standing, yet here it is again on air (thanks to the pitiful programming options NBC has to chose from). But who doesn't like to laugh? So a show whose purpose is to get you to chuckle should be funny. In the past, it was more humorous to see the comedians living together and the on-camera interviews that followed more than their stand-up routine (a la Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D List). But any show that can get you to laugh is a show worth watching in my book!

Heck, if Bethany and Rex Ryan could compete on Last Comic Standing, we'd only have to watch ONE show this summer!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why Am I Always So Tired?

The other day I was reading my Cosmo magazine as I was falling asleep on the train. I flipped the page to an article titled "Why Am I Always Tired?" I would have read it but I fell asleep. But after my nap, I wondered why this statement is so true.

Why am I, in fact, always tired?

It's tough to analyze. After all, we pretty much can't win. When we're so tired we sleep longer, but apparently there's this thing called too long, and we get more tired in the process. Sounds confusing? I know. I'm tired just thinking about it.

So then we have nights where we get less sleep than our normal schedule. So we try to catch up on Zz's over the weekend, but apparently there's no such thing as 'catching up on sleep.' Who made these damn rules!

So we essentially can't win. Unless we just so happen to sleep the perfect amount which doesnt happen often. Although I will admit I've had the occasional jump-out-of-bed-like-I'm-in-a-musical-excitement, that's rare. I don't know about you, but no coffee or energy drink can fix my daytime sleepyness. Like I've said before, I think we all deserve a siesta. With the pressures at our jobs, social lives to keep our sanity, and blogs to keep our fans entertained (oh is that just me?..) who really has time to sleep?

I'll tell you who. Babies and my grandpa. And unless we're Benjamin Button, looks like we'll just have to live our busy lives yawning our way through it before we sleep all day like my gramps!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Things We Say But Don't Really Mean

1) "Aww Cute!"
Whether it's looking at a baby or a friends new love interest, that is our default response whether we truely believe it or not. (Is anyone else tempted to say wow...that is one UNATTRACTIVE human being.) For our friend's significant others, we want to make them feel like we approve (until after they break up when we can admit they were never good-looking anyway.) For babies, sometimes they're so ugly, its actually cute. Whether it's looking at a photo or staring into their eyes for the 1st time we're startled by-- by how cute they are, of course.

2) "That's Funny...", if it were funny I'd be laughing. But it's not, not funny at all. But because I don't know how else to respond to your lame attempt at humor, "that's funny" is all I got. If "that's funny" is also coupled with a sissy laugh, then you've truly mastered the forced responses that make small talk conversations so damn delightful!

3) "Sure I'll Tell Them You Said Hi"
While our intentions are always good, we never seem to follow through with that request. Because let's be real. It's not meant to really elicit a response but rather, it's sole purpose is to acknowledge those not present. "Oh, Jane, I bumped into your teacher from high school at the store. She said hi." What is Jane supposed to say other than "that's cute." Which we now know doesn't really mean anything anyway!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are you tired of Informercials? Then read this for FREE!

Are you tired of the same lousy infomercials?
(Nodding yes)

Are you convinced these products are over the top and don't really work?
Uh huh.

Do you constantly tell yourself who buys this crap anyway?
You bet!

Well now you don't have to!
(perplexed look)

With these cheesy infomercials, you could actually appreciate them more if you take them less seriously and enjoy the poor acting and staged situations!

I never realized how fun infomercials could be until I started to see them more as comedies and less as sales pitches. -Testimonial

I tried a lot of infomercials and wasted money AND time without getting results. With this new approach, I haven't missed an infomercial yet! - Testimonial

You heard it here first folks! Watching infomercials is not just entertaining, they're laughable! So what are you waiting for? If you watch an infomercial within the next 5 minutes we'll throw in a free Snuggie!
Yup, that's right. Free!

You didn't realize you'd be convinced so fast! Finally fast. Finally!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Top 3 of th Week: Annoying Things About Public Transportation

1) The 'Public' Part
Yes, the worst part about public transportation is the actual public. Loud obnoxious (and potentially drunk people at night) might sound mildly entertaining to some. But after a long day at work or night out, the last thing I need to hear is you hourlong fight with your boyfriend, how your ready to pick a fight with the drunk guys next to you, or your loud phone call with a friend. Did I mention the sad story beggers and the creepy folks who want to start up a convo? Hiding behind my iPod can only do so much.

2) Delays
Sometimes I really don't mind commuting when I'm not in control. I can sleep, and read, text and write this blog with ease (Yes, roughly 100% of this blog was written on my iTouch notepad on the train). But the minute there are delays (Note to suicidal pedestrians: If you're going to jump in front of a train please keep in mind all those, not just your friends and family who are affected) I wonder why I didn't just drive myself. But there's nothing we can really do when were not in control, so coming into work late or not being at an outing on time is not really our fault.

3) It's Their Time Schedule, Not Mine
I think one of the reasons I walk so fast in NYC is that I'm used to rushing, for a train that is. I know that when I leave work or head home after a night out with friends, I only have X amount of time to get there, otherwise I'm going to miss my train and thus there would be no point in rushing. Maybe this will end when I eventually no longer take the train to work, but dealing with the crazy public, especially in NYC, wont go away. And while it makes for a painful commute, I do have to say its somewhat of an entertaining ride!