Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Curse You Umbrella!!!!

Dear Umbrella,

You have failed me. Time, and time again.

Why is it that no matter if i spend $3 or $25 on you, you can't seem to get yourself together? Whether it's heavy rain or wind, you let me down. You fall apart. You just can't seem to handle the pressure, and quite frankly, I'm getting fed up with you.

And now, thanks to Rihanna, I can't say your name without being it followed by "ella-ella-ey-ey," which annoys me even more.

So where do we go from here? Do I keep replacing you with your cheap counterparts knowing that your death is only a matter of time? Or do i invest more money with the hope that you're built strong enough to defy the strong winds and heavy downpour-- or is it not worth it, with the likelihood that you TOO cannot avoid your own inevitable downfall?

Either way, you should know that I still rely and count on you to protect me, and I want the best for you. But for god sakes, stop pissing me off already and do what I paid you to do.


Your owner,


1 comment:

gwen said...

that happened to my umbrella in the wind yesterday!!