Thursday, October 1, 2009

Reading Books for Leisure: Thanks, But No Thanks

For most people, reading books is a leisurely activity. Take it with you on a vacation, curl up on the couch, or snuggle up under the cov
ers before bedtime. For me, I can't seem to find the enjoyment in reading novels. And mind you, I majored in marketing...AND English in college. Eek.

I think the problem I have with books is that I was forever conditioned to be tested on what I've read through years of schooling. Hence, it was never just for pleasure. And any book I read outside of school always felt like it was taking away time from my studies (I'm nerdy, I know.)

My feeling is if I'm going to read a book, it SHOULD be educational, not just nonsense. Instead of reading "The Time Traveler's Wife," I should be reading a book on "How To Get Ahead in Life." Instead of reading "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" I should be reading "The Divine Secrets of How to Invest Your Money."

Books do have its purpose in life, but if I want some mindless reading, I'll grab a magazine like People or Entertainment Weekly. If I'm going to sit down and read it book, it better give me some insight on life!

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