Sunday, December 13, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Why Having a Birthday Isn't the Same as It Used to Be

1) What's Another Year...
Now I don't want to be Debbie Downer, nor do I really think I've got reason to think my life is almost over, but it's safe to say that after turning 21, it's pretty much all downhill from there. Age is just a number, until you hit the big numbers like 30, 40,50---then we REALLY don't want to be reminded how old we are. We're no longer counting down to when we turn the legal age of 21 anymore, so adding a year to our age really bears no significance other than when people ask us how old we are!

2) Presents? What Presents?!
You know when you were a kid and you'd watch Nickelodeon and utter "Mommy--I want that!" after every commercial? The presents start dwindling in quantity AND value once you get older (gee--thanks for the birthday card WITH NOTHING IN IT!). But it's actually ok. Sometimes I wonder if I even know what I want (just get me a gift card...), and unless there's a pressing need (a new digital camera or maybe a nice coat?), there's nothing I could really use at this age that I haven't already gotten for myself.

3) The Celebration
Ok, FINE. I won't have my 24th birthday at Chucky Cheese. Especially considering, the appropriate way to celebrate a birthday nowadays involves alcohol, I'm pretty sure you can't redeem tickets for tequila there. At this point in time, I don't really care how old I get, nor what gifts I receive, I just want a reason to celebrate and have the people I love sharing it with me. So even if the celebration has changed and doesn't involve a goody bag of candy and toys when you leave, it still a birthday nonetheless!

With that said,

1 comment:

Sofia said...

happy birthday brookie baby!!!!!