Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Animals That Freak Me Out!

1) Pigeon
Is there any other everyday animal that could care less about us humans? The fact that pigeons seem so unfazed by our nearness to them isn't the part that freaks me out. It's the fact that I get so close to THEM because they don't move! Mind you, I'm also worried they'll crap on my head when I walk, but I expect them to fly away when I stroll by. And when they don't, I really wonder what kind of character trait these birds have to give a rats a$$ about our proximity. Speaking of rats, I wonder if they would even be fazed by them!

2) Monkeys
They are adorably cute..but also freakishly human-like, no? When I went to the Bronx Zoo a few years ago, I watched as one chimpanzee cleaned off the tail of another. The monkey being cleaned turned around and nodded his head in approval as if to say, keep up the good work. I know humans originally stem from monkeys but I almost feel like I can read their minds which may seem cool. But the fact that I feel like they can read mine freaks me out. It's none of their damn 'monkey' business.

3) Insects
I know, I know. We're so much bigger than them. Why are we afraid? Well as most guys would like to believe, size doesn't matter. I'm scared of bugs because they normally pop up when I don't expect to see them. Like on a living room wall or buzzing in my face when I'm outside. (ok fine..perhaps I should expect to see bugs when outdoors.) Or maybe it all began 15 years ago when I open my drawer in my room and a cricket jumps out. No wonder I'm traumatized by these little creepy crawlers!

1 comment:

Sofia said...

okay, I HATEEE pigeons too! and even though I've been living in the city for... six years now... I STILL freak out every time one gets close to me!!!! I'm glad someone else shares my fear : )