Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I love doing laundry!!!

I know your first reaction to that statement.

WTF?! Is she serious?

Absolutely not.

Have you ever heard anyone utter that phrase?

I sure haven't. And I sure wouldn't.

I bet you even those laundremat owners are second-guessing their career choices. Because let's be real. What is laundry if not a burden, hassle and complete and utter annoyance.

The true annoyance is when you don't own a washer or dryer, or have it in your building. If you ever played Truth or Dare, schlepping your dirty underwear outside definitely seems more like a dare and than a truth.

But however we do it, we always have a routine. Whether it's throwing everything from the wash directly to the dryer, keeping our whites, towels and linens separate, or just having our moms do it, there is one thing that's consistent: it's a damn burden.

Can''t we just pay someone to do the whole thing for us? Oh wait, a lot of people do. Why? Because being able to turn a dirty bag of clothes into a clean folded stack is worth any cost!

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