Sunday, May 10, 2009

Top 3 of The Week: Awkward First Date Moments

1) When The Bill Comes

This is where the "Are you a gentleman?" test comes into play. Ladies--you're right to offer to pay your way. Gentleman--if you accept, you are not a gentleman at all. If you can't treat a lady and attempt to make a good first impression on the first date, when can you?

2) When You Say Goodbye
Ok, let the awkwardness begin. If you're traditional and don't kiss on the first date, you can delay this move until it ever reaches a 2nd. But at some point, one of you is going to awkwardly go for a hug/kiss on the cheek while the other is diving headfirst with your tongue hanging out. If you're on the same page? Well then that's dating chemistry!

3) When You Realize Your Not Interested
Ok, sometimes all it takes is one minute to realize the person is not for you. So do you purposely show that your not interested or do you carry on as normal, potentially leading them on? We're all guilty of the next step: fading someone out. As easy as it is to say "sorry you're not my type" after dating them, it's not easy for us at all. Our preferred method? Gradually fading them out until they get the idea your just not into them. It's cruel, and we hate when it's done to us, but we all do it anyway!

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