Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Titanic Unemployment

Before you criticize me for my Titanic reference (Please, it was a good movie, and you KNOW it! You can blame the 12-year-old Leo-crazed fanatics [oh, wait, that was me] for killing the integrity of the film, but it is a classic) do know that the exact reason why I’m even writing this, is because I have too much time on my hands, thanks to my unemployment.

And when I think of my unemployment, I can’t help think of the Titanic.

You remember the scene where the Titanic goes down?

Well that, my friend, is like my unemployed life right now. Here is that ship with so much promise, so much hope for a ticket to what could be the road to your future and then BAM!


But I guess the difference between Titanic and say, Open Water, is that I’m not going down alone (and the movie budgets were slightly varied). I can take solace in knowing that there are thousands of others who are struggling to stay afloat in the freezing water that has become our American economy (yes, that was deep, I know…).

But you see the problem, is that there aren’t enough boats to save us all, especially when the upper elites of the ship don’t seem to give a crap about coming to rescue us. So we all must fight to stay alive in the water, with the hopes of being the lucky one who grabs a spot on that boat heading towards employment. Either that, or I can attempt to swim to shore myself from the middle of the Atlantic, which might equate the amount of time it will take me to find a job...

But I, like Rose, will continue to use the broken door she rests on that is my family home on Long Island to keep me going, knowing that in time, I’m not going to stay in this spot forever. (If I only had a whistle like Rose to call for employers and say: HERE! LOOK AT ME! COME SAVE ME!)

I can tell you this:

Near (well, not too near, I can’t imagine working on Long Island), far (well not too far, I’m not looking to relocate), wherever you are (ok, really, New York City), I believe, that the jobhunt will go on…

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