Friday, December 25, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New Year!

Ok, I know I say this every year, but DAMN! This year flew by! How are we already in a new decade?! Wasn't Y2K just yesterday? I don't know what's scarier--the fact that each year flies by or I'm already living in my 4th decade.

But yes, it's time to move past the 2000's and on to the '10s? Is that what we're calling it? How exactly are we referring to this next year--20-10 or 2,010? So much confusion, so little time, as we realize our lives are flying by before we know it!

But depending on how you celebrate the new year, whether its home with board games and Dick Clark (the guys still kickin' isn't he!), out to a fancy dinner with your significant other, or out at a bar with a ridiculous $100 cover (how 'bout that crowded bar that you must force your way to the front to get your watered down open bar drink?), New Year's gives us a chance to reflect on the year that was, and allow us to start fresh once we flip over to our new calendar we bought at a mall kiosk. (I prefer to wait a week and get it half off...)

With each year we get a little older, yes, but we also get wiser, and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we live and learn. We realize what we want and don't want, what makes us happy and what doesn't. Whether it be in relationships or in our jobs, with our friends or family, we learn a lot about ourselves with each passing day, each passing year, and now, damn it, each passing decade!

So with that said, I hope you and I both learned a lot from The Brooke Schneider Show blog, and that you'll stay with me in 20-10..or, 2,010..or...whatever..just stay with us next year!

Top 3 of the Week: The Story of 2009

As the year comes to a close, I highlight the top 3 rising/falling trends of the year that was!

1) The Fall of an Icon
Not only did the King of Pop's death shake the world, but so too did the death of the squeaky clean image of the King of the Course, Tiger Woods. I don't know what's more hard to believe--that a pop star was popping pills or an athlete slept around when he hit the road, but the end of both was tragic: the death of "The Man in the Mirror" and "the man who should be embarrassed to LOOK in the mirror" not only hit America but the entire globe.

2) The Fall of the Economy
The only reason why this blog was even created was because I had too much time on my hands thanks to being laid off! (And I really do mean thanks, as my career has turned out even better than before). But unfortunately the same cannot be said for those who aren't 24, as my those who are my parents age haven't all found it easy to bounce back. Thanks to the Bernie Madoffs of the world, this was the year that staying in was a common occurrence (see the rise in TV ratings), eating out happened less and less, and career halts, changes and unintended paths were the norm.

3) The Rise of the iPhone
Ok, maybe we all don't have the iPhone now, but I'm pretty sure at some point, we all will. And before you know it, all we're going to have to do is tap the application button on our phone and be able to point at our closet to pick out an outfit for the day, hold it out to our friend and have it start up a conversation for us, and scan a club when we're out to help find our future significant other. It's only a matter of time before we all have iPhones (or at least an iTouch like I own), and eventually start wearing the same silver 1-piece suit and fly our cars through outer space.

Stay tuned for my New Year's post on Thursday!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


OK, hear me out, because I think this is funny.
But I only want you to laugh if you REALLY find it funny.
Because as you read below, I don't want you to laugh unless you really mean it.
Because let's face it.

How many times have you found yourself laughing--when you didn't really find something funny?

I think we are all put in situations, whether it's with family or friends, at work or at the store or doctor's office, where we've been in conversations where its only polite to laugh at cute anecdotes or pleasant small-talk chats that leave us with that fake smile and that forced laughter.

How about that time when you're listening to someone's conversation but you tend to drift off. Now you're completely lost until the person starts laughing at the end, leaving you no choice but to chuckle and say "that's funny."

What about when you have a conversation with your boss at work, and to just be pleasant and nice, you laugh at what you believe you should be laughing at so you do not offend your superior.

How about that time when someone tells a joke in a large group, and you don't get it. Well, to fit in, we laugh anyway (and pray they don't quiz us on what it means).

We all love to laugh, and do it all the time--somehow managing to laugh with people who we don't even think to be funny. (Seriously--ever go out in a social environment and not find yourself laughing?)

I love to laugh, but I'm going to put my foot down and start having some standards already!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Movies I Want to See in Theaters Now

I honestly can't remember the last time I went to the movies (
not a big fan, remember? ) but I did mention in the link that I don't normally go when the selection is, well, crappy. But now that Oscar season is on the horizon, I even had a hard time narrowing down the field to the Top 3 movies I not WANT to, but NEED to see now so that I can fully appreciate watching the Oscars in February!

1) Avatar
It took James Cameron 15 years to create his new film Avatar, and considering the guy was behind the mega-classic Titanic, we have to believe this movie is the real deal, right? Well based on intrigue alone, I'd love to see if Cameron's hard work paid off. The film is based on a human who crosses over to an alien world that he must fight to save--a plot that normally doesn't seem to appeal to me. But the new-age technology Cameron used is supposedly worthy of seeing alone, according to the critics, who didn't get a chance to screen the movie before it came out. Guess we're all in the same boat watching it for the first time, so long as that boat isn't the Titanic...

2) Nine
Ah, now this is definitely more my speed. As a fan of musicals and most of the movie musicals, I'm excited to see what's in store for this newest creation and how well this All-Star cast can do (We know Fergie can sing, but what about Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz and the still-stunning Sophia Loren?). Critics were NOT so kind to this film, and even though I'm expecting a weak plot, somehow the musical numbers always find a way to entertain me.

3) Precious
Expect this to be the Little Miss Sunshine of the Oscars. Every year, a low-budget film seems to sweep us away with its real-life subject matter or its satirical take on life (remember Juno?). Precious is a harrowing tale of a teenager who struggles with an abusive childhood and what it takes to overcome it all. Singer Mariah Carey sans makeup and the comedian Monique give Oscar-worthy performances in a movie that is probably anything BUT precious to watch, but definitely worth seeing!

Honorable Mentions: The Blind Side (Sandra Bullock), Up in the Air (George Clooney)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rant of the Week: Outerspace--Just Think About it...

Now I admit this post isn't enlightening by any means,
but maybe you find this topic as interesting as I do!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Why Having a Birthday Isn't the Same as It Used to Be

1) What's Another Year...
Now I don't want to be Debbie Downer, nor do I really think I've got reason to think my life is almost over, but it's safe to say that after turning 21, it's pretty much all downhill from there. Age is just a number, until you hit the big numbers like 30, 40,50---then we REALLY don't want to be reminded how old we are. We're no longer counting down to when we turn the legal age of 21 anymore, so adding a year to our age really bears no significance other than when people ask us how old we are!

2) Presents? What Presents?!
You know when you were a kid and you'd watch Nickelodeon and utter "Mommy--I want that!" after every commercial? The presents start dwindling in quantity AND value once you get older (gee--thanks for the birthday card WITH NOTHING IN IT!). But it's actually ok. Sometimes I wonder if I even know what I want (just get me a gift card...), and unless there's a pressing need (a new digital camera or maybe a nice coat?), there's nothing I could really use at this age that I haven't already gotten for myself.

3) The Celebration
Ok, FINE. I won't have my 24th birthday at Chucky Cheese. Especially considering, the appropriate way to celebrate a birthday nowadays involves alcohol, I'm pretty sure you can't redeem tickets for tequila there. At this point in time, I don't really care how old I get, nor what gifts I receive, I just want a reason to celebrate and have the people I love sharing it with me. So even if the celebration has changed and doesn't involve a goody bag of candy and toys when you leave, it still a birthday nonetheless!

With that said,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

iPods: Sound Great, But Here's the Problem...

It was about a month ago when tragedy happened.

I charged my iPod the night before, or so I thought. The morning after, on my commute to work, I turn on my iPod only to find that there was not ONE SONG on there. Apparently I didn't sync it properly.

The result?
One of the most painful commutes of my life.

That's right--a commute with NO MUSIC.

Remember those days? You know, the days before we were able to walk from one place to another, travel on a bus or in a car or subway, and be ok without having those little white headphones stuck in our eardrums?

Today, not having an iPod is like not having a Facebook. It has become the social norm. Whether it's jamming out to Dave Matthews Band, Disney songs, or both (gotta love the Shuffle feature), iPods have defined our generation. We've gotten to the point where if we're by ourself, we can't even shop without music to our ears, where it looks like we're lost if we sit in a cafe by ourselves without thousands of songs at our disposal.

But the sad thing about the iPod is, like the Internet, we completely isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.

Ohh..cute guy over there on the train..but oh..he's wearing an iPod..I shouldn't bother him.

Ohh! That's a friend I know from high school! As I shout her name, she doesn't respond, as I realize she can't even hear me.
She's probably thankful, because I know I'd rather be listening to my iPod than get stuck in a small-talk conversation during my commute!

So as I sat there on the train that day I didn't have music, I felt lost. I was almost tempted to put my earphones in to PRETEND I was listening to music, a true sign I've become used to disconnecting myself from others. Sad, I know. But as I got off the train, and walked on the streets of New York, the sounds of horns beeping and street vendors helped remind me of what the sounds of life is like. In fact, it was almost refreshing.

If only they turned that into a song I can put on my iPod, I'd listen to it again.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Why the Jersey Shore is the Best New Show on TV

1) It's So Bad, It's Good
You know how you always eat that candy bar when you know it's unhealthy or how you read the tabloids even though you know you should be reading the NY Times. Well I watched the new MTV show, Jersey Shore, last week knowing that it was going to be SO bad, that it just might be enjoyable. And boy, was I right. I often shook my head in disgust and took pity for those on it--yet I couldn't wait for more. Sure, my IQ dropped by the minute, but it all didn't matter when I watched what could very well be the show to sweep the Emmy's this season.

2) The Compelling Cast
Oh no she DIDN'TTTT! Mike, self-proclaimed "The Situation," referring to his six-pack abs, thought he had roomie Sammi "Sweetheart" in the bag, until the buff Ronnie swept her off her feet (and by "swept her off her feet" I mean probably doing a fist-pump at the club that got her hot and heavy). So how will "The Situation" and his ego recover?! And will "Snooki" stay in the house?! Will "Jwoww" cheat on her boyfriend with the wax-for-hair Paulie? But the better question is--WHY DO I CARE!? Read on.

3) I Know People Like This
So if you watched, all of these participants live in the metro area like myself, so watching it makes me reminiscent of the times I'd go out on Long Island and question why I in fact, GO OUT ON LONG ISLAND. Not many girls like "Jwoww" can pull off an outfit like that scarf for a top look AND think they don't look like trash in the process. And not many guys can take pride in their quantity of hair gel. So while the rest of the country might not understand the lives of the guidos and guidettes, I do. And while I try to stay as far away from them as possible, apparently the distance between me and my television is just the right amount :)

*Editor's Note: Brooke does NOT in fact think this show is the best on television. Please sense the sarcasm. Thank you.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Root for Every NY Team--Yes, It's Possible!

When I had an interview at a few years back, I was asked the question: What team do you root for?" When I responded, "I'm an all-NY fan," the man rolled his eyes and shook his head. It was the first time I realized my battle with my rooting interests and working in sports was going to be a challenge.

To this day working at SNY, a NY sports TV network, I still get heat for being a fan of the Yankees and Mets, Giants and Jets, Knicks and Nets, and if I really cared enough about hockey, Rangers, Islanders and Devils.

But why is it that I can't root for all NY teams?

I'm proud of the area, and I'm not just a follower of these teams. Being a girl who says "I love all the locals" makes me sound like I'm the type of person that roots for UNC because I love the baby blue jerseys. I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to sports, and I follow most of the locals (like I said, if I REALLY cared, I'd follow hockey too).

So I know what you're thinking. What do you do when the Yanks play the Mets or the Knicks play the Nets? I root for the team that needs the win more. Who did I root for in the Subway Series in 2000? I rooted for 7 games.

In any other field, most people wouldn't mind my rooting interests, but because I work in sports, I take the heat. So sure, it's a battle I've dealt with all my life and will continue to deal with as I continue my profession in the sports field. But while most people feel compelled to just pick a side, I'm happy I have a total of 9 teams to cheer for, and I'm living proof that it can be done :)

Top 3 of the Week: Why a Jew Like Me Loves Christmas Songs

So yes, after we have now stuffed down turkey, and Black Friday has come and gone, we are officially in the start of the holiday season, which means listening to the famous tunes we often hear this time of year. But just because I'm Jewish, doesn't mean I can't appreciate it!

1) Because They're ACTUALLY Good Songs
Yes, put aside the religious connotations (if there are any), and we're left with some pretty solid tunes. Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas" can be played year-round if you ask me, and other songs are just plain classics. And there are actually plenty of "Christmas" songs that are actually wintery songs--not just about Santa ("Let It Snow" and "It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"). And for songs like "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Last Christmas," I'm not really concerned about the lyrics as I am about enjoying the beat of the song!

2) Have you seen our Hanukkah song selection?
If it weren't for Adam Sandler, we'd be left with the Dreidel Song, and that's it. While I think he's due for a new edition, his two versions remain the sole Hanukkah songs that make it to the radio. Now I know we make up about 2% of the country so I'm well aware equal treatment just isn't in the cards, but at least SOME type of selection wouldn't lead me to flip to Christmas songs to begin with if I didn't have to!

3) Because of What it Represents
I always love this time of year--after all, it's my birthday, Hanukkah, and New Year's all squeezed into the same month. So while radio stations continue to play Christmas-centric songs, it only reminds me that the holiday season is upon us. You know, the crazy shoppers at the stores, the lights on trees, the snow on the ground, and the presents we give and receive. So if I like to listen to some Christmas songs while I'm on the road or in my house, so be it. I still love potato ladkas and my chocolate gelt!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Time for Thanksgiving!


I think there is only one word to describe this holiday.


This is the day where we give thanks, right? But it's really the day we're thankful for some delicious food. Thanksgiving is the day where you can go for 2nds and 3rds and not feel guilty, the day where you can wear your loose pants and forget about your diet, and the day that all Americans, both Catholic and Jews, can all appreciate together.

But while it's the same day for all of us, we all have our different traditions--but most of it revolves around the meal. Some go for the apple pie, others go for the pumpkin, and most go for both. Some like the stuffing, others can't wait for the cranberry sauce, most can't wait for both.

Some go to the same aun't's house every year, some rotate from mom's side to dad's side, spouse's side or significant others. Some have an annual family football game, and others make sure they never miss the football games on TV. Some wake up to watch the parade while others actually GO to the parade.

Whatever your tradition is, there's one guarantee. Turkey and family. But when you think about it, sadly, though, it's the day of year that most turkeys lose their OWN family. Oh, well.

Bon appetit!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Celebs Who Get Better With Age

1) Demi Moore
The 47-year-old Moore gets the title of "Cougar" for marrying her 31-year-old husband Ashton Kutcher, but looking at this picture, can you even tell that Demi is older than Aston? Whether its keeping her body as fit as possible, or styling her hair and clothes to match those in their 20's, Moore DOES NOT look like she is 3 years away from 50. If we all could look like that at 47
(without resorting to plastic surgery or botox...), the world would be a beautiful place.

2) Alec Baldwin
I'm sure I'm not the only girl who's developed a crush on the actor who resurrected his career by playing the smooth-talking Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock. Maybe it's his delivery of lines, or his confidence that is sexy, but Alec Baldwin, who was a movie star for most of his career, has become one of the biggest stars on TV thanks to his appealing charm and wit.

3) Meryl Streep
Now Streep has always been a classy actress, and while she has aged gracefully into her 60's, it isn't her looks that got her on this Top 3. While many actresses in Hollywood complain that the roles for women from age 40 on are non-existent, Streep seems to be the only one getting them. (What was the last big role Diane Keaton, Susan Surandon, Goldie Hawn or Michelle Pfieffer had?) In fact, Meryl is featured with Baldwin in the new movie, "It's Complicated," as both prove there's nothing complicated about aging!

Cops: One of the Most Intimidating Jobs!

Is there anything more intimidating then the power of a cop on the road?

We've all driven down a road and had our hearts stop when we realize there's a cop in the vicinity and we've been going 75 on a 50mph speed zone. Checking our rear-view mirror as our hearts race is a common occurrence, and when we are far enough to know we are safe, a sigh of relief ensues.

I don't care who you are, the President of the United States, Brad Pitt, Elton John or LeBron James, when a cop car pulls over, you are the weak one (ok, fine maybe their notoriety will give then a pass), but the point, is, these police officers have the intimidation just by the power of their jobs!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Attractions They Need to Bring Back

Ironically, all of the following were pretty much lined up back-to-back-to-back back in the day in my hometown, none of which remain. Maybe your hometown wasn't like mine, but it got me thinking that the classic staples of the days of old are no longer around today!

1) Drive-In Movies Theaters
Now this was unfortunately before my time--but WHY are they no longer prevalent today? I haven't done my research to know why they disappeared in the first place, but I'm pretty sure the concept is great. Watch the movie in the privacy of your own car, and to some who found it to be the perfect date, I say "watch" loosely. Sure, there are some Drive-In theaters still around today, but I say modernize them, sell some fun food, and let's bring this baby back!

2) Roller Rinks
Now I might be biased because my Grandpa owned a roller rink (opened the Commack Roller Rink that featured Rosie O'Donnell as an employee!), but roller rinks were a classic hangout spot at night, and there was nothing cooler than circling around the rink in those groovy skates. But while ice skating rinks are still a common activity today, I say melt the ice and bring on the roller blades!

3) Flea Markets
Sure, it's a glorified garage sale, but sometimes you can get lucky with great finds and great bargains. (Yes, this post is a byproduct of my many visits to my grandparents in Boca and our frequent Flea Market trips). I'm not saying it's the preferred method of shopping, but little odds and ends, or even larger purchases can be bought at a bargain basement price. Not to mention, the fun of haggling prices!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

MLB Hot Stove Baseball!

It was about a year ago that I went to a bar and met up with a guy. We started talking about baseball, and I mentioned to him that I love the "Hot Stove" season.

"Hot Stove?" he asked, "What is that?"
"You never heard of 'Hot Stove Baseball?'" I replied.
He shook his head.

I then proceeded to ask the guy next to us if he heard of it. He said no. I then continued on to ask about 5 other guys in the vicinity, NONE of which knew what "Hot Stove Baseball" was. I was shocked. Now I know I know more about baseball than most girls, but I thought that guys in a sports bar would at least be able to match my knowledge!

With that said, "Hot Stove" is the offseason in baseball, when trade rumors and free agent signings take over the backpages and headlines, thus making my favorite sport a year-round enjoyment. But it's easy to enjoy the offseason when you root for the Yanks and Mets, who always seem to be in the mix with the top names in the game. So what should the Yankees and Mets do this offseason?

Coming off a World Series championship, you've got to believe there's little work to be done for the Bronx Bombers. And coming off an offseason in which the Yanks spent $423 million on three key players: CC Sabathia, Mark Teixeira, and A.J. Burnett, you have to believe the big spending might take a year off. But keep in mind--this is the Yankees we're talking about.

Andy Pettitte, Johnny Damon and World Series MVP Hideki Matsui are all free agents, and it isn't inconceivable to think that all 3 won't return. (Pettitte most certainly will be back, Damon will probably get higher offers elsewhere but might take a shorter deal to remain, and Matsui might return at a bargain rate if the Yanks are willing to use him for the majority of a rotating DH spot).

But the Yanks are already rumored to be interested in top starter John Lackey and in the mix for Blue Jays ace, Roy Halladay. With $26 million coming off the books with Damon and Matsui's contract, the Yankees can opt to shift that money towards a fourth starter in the rotation. And yes, it is possible that the World Champs will field an even better team in 2010.

Oh, man. Where do we begin. In a season that couldn't get any worse (not only did they fail to meet expectations, but Mets fans were forced to watch their rival Phillies and Yankees in the World Series), the Mets could use help in just about every area. So GM Omar Minaya will certainly be in the mix on just about every free agent and every potential star available in trades. Top outfielder Matt Holliday could be a great fit with the team, and mixed reports show he's either willing to come to NY or doesn't want any part of it (remember--players use large market teams for leverage).

But holes at catcher, first base (Delgado is probably headed to an AL club where he can DH), left field, and in the starting rotation (who knows what they'll get from Oliver Perez and John Maine next year), the Mets are a MESS. Expect the team to acquire a first baseman, sign a left fielder, and add another arm to the rotation (Roy Halladay is a long-shot but still a possibility).

Minaya has a lot of work ahead of him, but out of all the teams in baseball, the Mets roster will probably look the most different in 2010 compared to 2009.

Rant of the Week: Radio Stations--STOP OVERPLAYING SONGS!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: How I Work Out Without Going to the Gym

1) Walk Everywhere
I get a lot of heat for not taking cabs, or choosing to avoid the subway in NYC, but walking is normally my exercise for the day. I love the invigorating feeling of weaving in and out of people to get from place to place. But with a crazy work schedule that requires most of us to sit behind a desk all day, I have to feel like I'm moving around a bit, and walking is my cure!

2) Lift Weights While I Watch TV
I always said that I wish I could tone my arms, and finally I realized all it took was a couple of 5 pound weights. The best part is, that I do it when I'm doing something else productive, which is watching my favorite TV shows. All it takes is for me to get off my lazy butt on the couch. So here a lift, there a lift, everywhere a lift lift--and I'm almost at my goal of getting Kelly Ripa-like arms!

3) Crunches in Bed
Whether its lying in bed in the morning, or at night before I can't fall asleep, doing crunches in bed is the least I can do to reach my goal of perfect abs (um..still a work in progress...). But every little bit counts, and on nights where I'm twisting and turning in bed, I might as well pass the time and do some leg lifts, figure 8s, and crunches before I pass out after a long day of walking in the streets of NY and lifting weights during my shows!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Bubble Vests: Love 'Em But Don't Get 'Em

Ahh, one of the many fashion trends I love, but must question. I just don't understand bubble vests.

If it is cold enough to wear heavy clothing around your mid-section, isn't it cold enough to cover your arms?

How are you supposed to stay warm when that happens!?

#27! Congrats New York Yankees!

The Yankees are World Series Champions, but a previous post seemed to be on the money (no pun intended) about other fans reactions to the Bronx Bombers being on top.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rant of the Week: High School Reunions Aren't the Same As They Used to Be

Based on your feedback, you suggested putting the title of each Rant of the Week within the topic, so, while I thought intrigue was enough for you to click and watch without knowing what it was, I thought wrong. Take a look at the previous Rants of the Weeks if you missed them, and maybe the title's alone will be intriguing enough for you to click!

Previous Rant of the Weeks:
-Sorry--But Looks ARE Important!
-How Do You Believe Horoscopes?!
-Fashion- If It Looks Good--Still Wear It!
-We'reeee Backkkkk!
-Why is "Overachiever" a Bad Thing?
-MLB Trade Deadline Review
-Why Are We OK with Driving with People We Don't Know?
-Premiere of The Rant of the Week!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Types of People That Bother Me

1) Flaky People
We all know these kinds. The ones you try to make plans with but they never respond. The ones that tell you one thing when you know they're lying to your face. The ones who say they'll show up to an event but come an hour later. "Oh I never got your text" or "oh, you wanted to meet this Friday? I thought you said next Friday..." Right...While some people acknowledge their flaky ways, others have no idea they're like that!

2) Opinionated People
I have an opinion for you--I can't stand opinionated people. Ever talk to a person that always just happens to be right? No matter what you say, they have something to try to top you. They start a heated debate for no reason, always have to get the last word in, they claim they know best, and quite frankly, even if they do, I can't be bothered. I don't have the energy or care enough normally to be right in situations, but when I encounter opinionated people, sometimes I really do want to put them in their place!

3) People With No Social Awareness
Ever work in an office with someone who shouts rudely, laughs obnoxiously or doesn't know what conversations should stay out of the workplace? What about those act immature at a library, stick their feet out in an aisle in a restaurant, or have a crude sense of humor in front of their significant other's parents? Or what about those people that start conversations with you, without realizing you want no business talking to them, but they won't let you out of the chat? Somehow, someway, people have no awareness of how to act in social settings!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Phillies vs Yankees - World Series Preview's good to be back.

That is the sentiment of most Yankees fans, who return to the World Series for the first time since 2003 (yes, it really has been 6 years!). Riding on the heels of ALCS MVP CC Sabathia (2-0, 1.19 ERA) and a relaxed and rejuvenated A-Rod, the Yanks have all the confidence in the world as they seek their 27th championship. But, oh, wait, so do the Phillies, who are eyeing a World Series repeat. The last team to win back-to-back World Series'? Why, it was the Yankees, of course.

So will the Phillies be the new Yankee dynasty? It's hard to tell whether the Phillies remind you of the old Yankees or the current ones. Hard-to-retire slugger? A-Rod, check. Howard, check. Clutch shortstop? Jeter, check. Rollins (whose 2-out 9th inning hit in Game 4 sealed the NLCS), check. A former Indians ace who's lights-out in the postseason? Sabathia, check. Lee, check.

So on paper, and well, on the field too, the Yanks and Phils play the same kind of game, in just about the same kind of park, too. Yankee Stadium and Citizens Bank Park have been launching pads for hitters, so we may see some atypical Home Run Derby-esque ball games, which would make the series even more entertaining to watch.

So who has the edge? Now I can't speak for the Phillies but if you watched the Yanks this season, they have the makings of a championship team. From smacking home runs to playing small ball to pitching shutouts to walk-off wins, this team truly is "special" (one of A-Rod's favorite words), and thus, I'm going with the Yanks in 6.

Like Alicia Keys and Jay-Z says and will say tonight at the stadium,


Friday, October 23, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Why Halloween Isn't What it Used to Be

1) Oh, Yeah, the Candy
There was a time when the main objective of this holiday was to get AS MUCH CANDY AS POSSIBLE. If Halloween took place on a day during the week, we would race home or to a friend's house in our costumes, only to grab our bags (which later became the much cooler, pillow cases) and stormed our way out in search of hitting up as many houses as possible. My personal favorites--the houses that gave the real-size chocolate candy bars. Least favorite?--bag of pennies (really, people?) And did an
yone else empty the candy out at the end and trade with their friends? But as we get older, Halloween is not about the candy at all. Read on.

2) Costumes Serve Different Purpose
Remember the days when dressing like a Teletubby was cool? The only way that's cool for us ladies out there is if you put "Sexy" in front of "Teletubby." The mere thought of a Halloween costume that doesn't make girls look hot defeats the purpose of this very holiday. Halloween is the one time of year when non-skanky girls (and, well, the skanky ones too) can get away
with dressing like one. But it's all in good fun, right boys?

3) Where to Go Out?
Just like New Year's, there's always the expectation of having to do something big, and when your activity no longer consists of knocking on your neighbor's doors, one must attend a party, bar or club to fully appreciate the American holiday. And in a place like New York City, there's nothing funnier than seeing a monkey costume chase a banana costume down the streets, or spot a vampire, Cleopatra and Barack Obama costumes on the subway.

Rant of the Week: Sorry--But Looks ARE Important!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is the purpose of SPAM Mail!

What is spam mail, and why do we get it. Seriously--who is sending this stuff out and what is its purpose?

Maybe I'm ignorant, but I'm so baffled by the idea of spam. I'm sorry, but no, I don't want any weight loss pills, I certainly don't have use for a penis enlarger, I'll gracefully decline my winnings of awarded the sum of £950.000.00 GBP,and I'm sorry that you are stuck in Iraq, but I don't know anyone there, and I am not wiring you any money.

Now I get the idea that companies profit off of selling your email to other companies--but because the content of the spam emails received are so beyond anything that any one of us would ever open and consider, that I just DON'T GET IT!