Thursday, February 11, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Why It's Ok to be Single on Valentine's Day

1) It's a stupid holiday anyway, right?
Once upon a time, Hallmark, Russell Stover and 1-800-Flowers got together with a business plan. "How can we collaboratively increase sales?" They asked. "I got it!" said, the same guy who appeared in the famous Got Milk - Oreo commercial [What should we call this cookie--man with stuffed mouth says 'I dunno' which resembles the sound of "Oreo"]. "Why not create Valentine's Day--one day a year where couples should recognize their relationship and love for one another and buy unnecessary gifts and cards!" And so, my friends, the story of Valentine's Day began.

2) Would you rather date someone you don't like?
I'm pretty convinced that each one of us could find anyone to date and be in a relationship if we wanted to. We could be like some people who immediately jumps to someone else once a relationship is over, or, OR...we can be selective, and decide that it's only worth being in a relationship or dating someone that we really care to like. And maybe, just maybe, it's ok to be selective and thus, stay single.

3) The Obligation of Doing Something
God damn it, holidays. Why must you always make people feel like they haveeee to celebrate it. I'm content with writing a blog on Valentine's Day ON Valentine's Day. Maybe that makes me a loser, one might argue. Maybe that makes me confident enough to know I don't have to feel obligated to go to a singles event, I don't have to sulk on my couch eating a tub of ice cream watching romantic comedies, and I don't have to feel sorry for myself. My time will come where I too will give in to this silly holiday and maybe next year instead of blogging, I'll get my unnecessary flowers and chocolates from a guy who's worth my attention :)

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