Thursday, February 18, 2010

Winter Olympics: I Care, But Not Enough to Watch!

First of all, I want to say I love America. And often times I have a hard time picturing growing up and living anywhere else. But because of what this great country has to offer, I am completely indifferent to supporting it and watching the Winter Olympics on television.

Let's watch American Idol or Modern Family, let's go to the gym, let's surf the web, let's go out the movies, let's meet up with friends. There's just too many better alternatives.

I do have to admit the Olympics are interesting, and if I didn't have the attention span of a 5-year-old I could watch an entire curling match. (I can't help but always wonder:
how does one get involved in such obscure sports, and how is one satisfied with putting in years of training for that one chance at gold only to blow it by falling slightly or miising a medal by 1 hundreth of a second? I couldn't do it...)

As much as I love to see the entire world come together and compete, I realize I really only love to see it in the summer. There's something about the Summer Olympics that makes it more appealing. Maybe it's the events. Or maybe it's the lack of quality alternate programming.

Thus, I will continue to watch my regularly scheduled shows sans 30 Rock and The Office and flip to NBC between my commercial breaks and continue to go out and be social without any regret that I'm missing something big.

By all means, let's go USA. But God Bless America for giving me something else to do!

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