Thursday, September 2, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Why I Hate Losing Things

1) The Thought Process
Ok, let's retrace our steps. Where were you when you last had it? Who were you with? What were you wearing? What time of day was it? It is mentally draining to even think about trying to find something you lost, that its sometimes not even worth it. Ok, fine, looking for your passport, wallet or keys might be worth the effort. But it can be exhausting to strategically plan the search.
And when the search is complete, its often in the middle of the night, or perhaps a conversation that we scream out "I KNOW WHERE IT IS" that we might in fact know where we lost it!

2) The Mess You Create
Ok, now that we might have an idea of where it is that we left the item we lost, the hunt begins. I know when I'm searching for something, its like a SWAT team attacked my room. Dumping bags out onto my bed, ripping apart my closets are all small prices to pay for trying to find what I lost. And I'm bound to lose something else in the mess I created!

3) Feeling Like an Idiot After
Yes, we've all had that moment. Where is my watch! I can't find my watch! Did I leave it in my bag? On the counter at home? At the store or my cousin's house? Where could it be? Oh wait--it's been on our wrist the entire time. DUH! Even if other people don't know our foolish move, we still feel stupid for getting crazed when our lost item was right in front of our face! But in the end, as long as we find what we're looking for, the whole process is worth it!

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