Sunday, May 24, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: My Favorite Board Games Growing Up

1) Dream Phone
You’reeeee righttttt. I reallyyyy like youu.
You boys out there wouldn’t appreciate the true joy us girls got out of guessing who was the right catch for us. Nothing was more painful than hearing “I know who it is, but I’m not telling, HA HA.” Each clue brought us closer to our dream boy, and if we held the phone as tight as we could to our ear, we would actually be able to hear it. But once we did finally make it to the end, if it was a hottie like Steve or Dale, well, it was that much sweeter.

2) Life
Not sure what I enjoyed most about this one—the chance to be a doctor and make a steady income, or becoming a proud parent of a pink or blue peg. Either way, you couldn’t go wrong with the game of Life. That is, unless you never bought life or fire insurance, then you were doomed.

3) Scattergories
One of the few games I still enjoy and have the patience for, Scattergories was an easy “end it at any round” game that tested your skills on, well every letter of the alphabet. Not always a fan of the categories (Brooke Blvd can be a street name!) or that dice (Qu? Um…let’s roll again…), but it’s still a classic favorite.

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