Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When Sarcasm Can Kill!

Sarcasm can kill.

Of course I'm being sarcastic when I say that..or AM I?

For those that know me, you're pretty aware that sarcasm is in my blood. And too much blood exposed can kill you. Again, that's sarcasm, albiet a weak attempt, but sarcasm nontheless.

But am I too sarcastic? Many times it's very hard for those like myself who use sarcasm to tone it down. And considering half the time I can't even tell if I'm being sarcastic, that might be a sign. But life's too short not to find the humor in it. After all, you might as well call this blog The Sarcasm Show.

A lot of times I can't help but joke about an obnoxious stranger, a funny cashier or the irony of a situation. I'm telling you, it's so much more fun to acknowledge these things than to just let it go! You should try it sometime.

But I say sarcasm can kill when of course people don't understand that I'm joking or it doesn't translate well through a medium like texting or online. Without hearing a tone, it's hard to find things funny. And thus hard to get my humor. And that's unfortunate on many levels.

Whether it's with new friends or new prospective boys, coworkers or family, sometimes I just have to be careful with my sarcasm because it just might be too much to handle. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop using it.

And heck, if you find this blog funny than maybe like Goldie Lock's pourage, my level of sarcasm is just righhtttt. Now that was a bad joke. Damn it. Well I never said my humor is always spot on but it's always worth trying, right?!

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