Thursday, January 28, 2010

Coupons: Some Just Ain't Going To Cut It!

The other day I was flipping through the Sunday paper while eating my bowl of cereal and drinking my cup of coffee, sitting on my porch surrounded by a white picket fenced house (ok, that last part was fabricated but I couldn't help but paint the ideal picture).

It was when I flipped to the flyers section and took out the coupon booklet did I have a little laugh. We have all probably used coupons at some point in our lives and revel in our savings, but there are some coupons that I cannot understand how they still exist.

Save 35 cents.

35 cents?! When I think of cents, I think of pennies, and when I think of pennies, I think of THIS.

I don't think I'd be compelled to cut out a 35 cent coupon even if I normally BOUGHT the product. For god sakes, 35 cents isn't worth tearing out the coupon only to wonder where the hell to put it, only to forget to use it when and if you do buy it. There's nothing worse than buying something only to realize later you had a coupon for it. (Shame on you for buying ANYTHING at Macy's without one of their daily coupons that can be doubled up with another and then credited with a Macy's card discount even though you don't have one by a friendly cashier).

But I wouldn't even feel compelled to buy a new product for a savings of a mere 35 cents. So I wonder, who is cutting out these coupons enough so that manufacturers are still producing them? I'll tell you who--the grandma's of the world who hit up 6 supermarkets in one day for 35 cents savings in each.

Maybe I'm the fool for not buying into these savings, or maybe I just have to wait until the time comes where I can sense it's worth saving cents.

Sorry know I love you!

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