Sunday, January 17, 2010

I Forgot Your Name--Already!

Hello, my name is Brooke. And you are?


Before you answer, know that 9 out of 10 times I'm going to forget your name anyway.

That's right. If I saw you 10 years from now, I can remember we met that one time, that one day. But talk to me an hour from now and I won't be able to recall your name.

Why is that? I'm sure I'm not the only one that suffers from a mild case of short-term memory loss. But I find that there are so many other thoughts that go through my mind when I first meet someone, it's hard to register your name.

Ow, he just broke my hand with that handshake.
I really like her dress.
Is he staring at my boobs?
This is an awkward situation.
Am I making a good impression?
I shouldn't have said that joke.
Why is he already balding when he looks like he's 20?

This could come in handy...

Sure there are tricks we all learn: repeat the name after they say it so it registers (Susan? Hi Susan, I'm Brooke) or give them a nickname (hi John.. Wow your tall, I'm going to call you 'Long John') but it still can be difficult.

But the worst part is that there comes a point, whether it's after a certain amount of interactions, that we can no longer ask you what your name is, we should know by now. But we don't. And therefore must either try to overhear someone else call out their name, or we have to whisper to a friend or coworker to find out.

In the end, I don't think instantly forgetting someones name is a reflection on a persons intelligence, ignorance or significance. It's just something that some like myself need to work on. By the way, my name is Brooke, just in case you forgot...

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