Monday, August 17, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Movies Everyone Has Seen This Summer But Me

1) The Hangover
There are certain types of movies that sweep the nation and are the main topics at the office cooler or at a night out with friends. I missed the boat on The Hangover, this summer's surprise hit, and thus, must force myself to put on my hand earmuffs and sing the la-la-la song anytime someone in my present mentions it!

2) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Ok, this time, I don't care that I missed this one. This movie is the epitome of "summer blockbuster"--big names, a lot of action, and absolutely zero plot--but that doesn't stop viewers from flocking to see this flick. Why is it that people (mostly guys) are so content with computerized machines fighting one another, that they don't even care if the entire movie makes no sense! Even Megan Fox admitted she had no idea what was going on! Seeing the first Transformers on DVD was enough for me to realize it wasn't worth my time.

3) Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Now most people will be shocked when they hear the following:
I have not read one page or seen one minute of any Harry Potter book or movie.
A part of me is intrigued by what all the fuss is about, the other part doesn't want to invest the time it would take to hop on board with Harry. And then the other part would rather go see movies like the romantic comedy, The Ugly Truth. So maybe there's a part of me that has terrible taste in movies...o well.


Anonymous said...

You have the world's worst taste in movies. Click, Shark Tale, and your citation of The Ugly Truth, proves me right.

Brooke Schneider said...

haha that you!?!?

John Powers said...

I haven't seen any of those either. If I had to watch one, it would probably be Harry Potter... Transformers pisses me off. In the first movie, the bad guy is stuck in ice for 200 years, gets thawed out, and the first thing he says is... "MEGATRON!" I like my own name too, but the last thing I would say if I was thawed out after 200 would be, "JOHN POWERS!" ... I'd probably be like, "shit, that was cold..." or "damn, it feels good to be alive!" Something like that.