Sunday, August 23, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Things I Expect From My Vacation This Week

1) Buying Crappy Souvenirs
For some reason, I only find it necessary to purchase crappy, breakable keychains, geographical locations on t-shirts, and plastic mugs when I go away on a trip, not in my own city. How else can I explain my Las Vegas and Los Angeles picture frame when I don't own a New York City one? We have this mentality that we will NEVER go back to this spot, and MUST collect a memory from it, when most likely, that memory is collecting dust on a shelf somewhere.

2) Gaining Weight
"Who caresssss, we're on vacation!" That's the motto we all seem to have when we choose to have the dessert that night on our trip, or try the famous fried pickles or world-famous gelato wherever we are. If you have enough energy and willpower to work out on your trip, more power to you! But I prefer the enjoyment of getting on the scale when I get home and bracing myself for the scale to say the exact words shown above.

3) Dreading Packing/Unpacking
I can't decide what is more painful, the strategy involved in packing, or the annoyance of unpacking. It's not so bad to dump everything into the laundry bin when you're home, but somehow the thrill of the trip is gone when you probably have jet-lag or realize its back to reality. So in a neck-and-neck race, I'm going to say I dread unpacking most.

With that said, I will be out of town for this upcoming week. You know what that means--you're going to have to find something else to keep you entertained! I suggest fresh air. It might be good for you to get out.


Chris Strub said...

LOL, well played Brooke --

I'm reading this blog post from Orlando International Airport, sitting next to my hastily packed carryons -- now filled with overpriced souvenirs -- as I digest the Nathan's Chili Cheese Dog I had for lunch.

But it's vacation, right? :-)

Have a good time --


Brooke Schneider said...

hahaha I LOVE IT!