Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are you tired of Informercials? Then read this for FREE!

Are you tired of the same lousy infomercials?
(Nodding yes)

Are you convinced these products are over the top and don't really work?
Uh huh.

Do you constantly tell yourself who buys this crap anyway?
You bet!

Well now you don't have to!
(perplexed look)

With these cheesy infomercials, you could actually appreciate them more if you take them less seriously and enjoy the poor acting and staged situations!

I never realized how fun infomercials could be until I started to see them more as comedies and less as sales pitches. -Testimonial

I tried a lot of infomercials and wasted money AND time without getting results. With this new approach, I haven't missed an infomercial yet! - Testimonial

You heard it here first folks! Watching infomercials is not just entertaining, they're laughable! So what are you waiting for? If you watch an infomercial within the next 5 minutes we'll throw in a free Snuggie!
Yup, that's right. Free!

You didn't realize you'd be convinced so fast! Finally fast. Finally!

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