Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Top 3 of th Week: Annoying Things About Public Transportation

1) The 'Public' Part
Yes, the worst part about public transportation is the actual public. Loud obnoxious (and potentially drunk people at night) might sound mildly entertaining to some. But after a long day at work or night out, the last thing I need to hear is you hourlong fight with your boyfriend, how your ready to pick a fight with the drunk guys next to you, or your loud phone call with a friend. Did I mention the sad story beggers and the creepy folks who want to start up a convo? Hiding behind my iPod can only do so much.

2) Delays
Sometimes I really don't mind commuting when I'm not in control. I can sleep, and read, text and write this blog with ease (Yes, roughly 100% of this blog was written on my iTouch notepad on the train). But the minute there are delays (Note to suicidal pedestrians: If you're going to jump in front of a train please keep in mind all those, not just your friends and family who are affected) I wonder why I didn't just drive myself. But there's nothing we can really do when were not in control, so coming into work late or not being at an outing on time is not really our fault.

3) It's Their Time Schedule, Not Mine
I think one of the reasons I walk so fast in NYC is that I'm used to rushing, for a train that is. I know that when I leave work or head home after a night out with friends, I only have X amount of time to get there, otherwise I'm going to miss my train and thus there would be no point in rushing. Maybe this will end when I eventually no longer take the train to work, but dealing with the crazy public, especially in NYC, wont go away. And while it makes for a painful commute, I do have to say its somewhat of an entertaining ride!

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