Monday, May 31, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Why Every Weekend Should Be a 3-Day Weekend

Ok, let's be real here. How many of us love life after this Memorial Day weekend? With 3 days off, it got me thinking every weekend should be a 3-day weekend! Here's why; because we need:

1) 1 Day to Run Errands
Whether it's running to the bank, shopping for groceries, buying some new shoes or stopping by the post office, running errands could take up a good chunk of the day. But there's nothing more satisfying than crossing off these tasks on our imaginary to-do list. With that said though, the amount of time it takes for us to be productive on the weekends means we're still kind of on the job, albeit a job for our personal life!

2) 1 Day to Clean
This I seldom take care of as much as I should. Sure, when you live in a small room like I do, not putting a few things back means your room looks like a mess. But I always wonder when I'll get a chance to clean out my closets and get rid of things I don't need/use anymore. But it's not really on the top of my to-do list like errands, so I normally don't
want to find the time to do it!

3) 1 Day to Relax
If this weekend proved anything, it's that relaxing outdoors in the sun, hanging with friends and family, and doing anything to take our minds off work and any other task we need to accomplish is more than welcomed. Sometimes we're just too busy to get a chance to do that, which is why a 3-day weekend is needed to get ready for the work week. And no matter how much you love your job, the only thing better than a 3-day weekend is the 4-day work week that follows!

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