Friday, April 17, 2009

Top 3 of The Week: Why I Detest Public Bathrooms

1) Toilet Seats
I still can't wrap my head around the concept that we humans are comfortable with our bare asses touching the same toilet seat that other stranger's tooshies have touched. Thankfully, I have perfected my squatting through my many camping trips, and by camping trips, I mean college frat party bathrooms and grungy bars downtown at Binghamton University.

2) Privacy of Doing Your Business
Now I'm not going to get into graphic details (a post on where we excrete is enough), but I can say that sometimes I like to do things on my own, and that includes peeing. If I had the option, I'd definitely rather not sit there worrying about whether the person next to me can hear my every move.

3) Tipping Those Damn Workers
I'm sorry, but as nice as it is for you to turn on the faucet for me and hand me a paper towel, I am fully capable of doing both on my own. Jumping over the bar to fix myself an Apple Martini is a different story, but in no way do I feel obligated to tip someone for forcefully doing a job I never asked them for help with in the first place. Now the only question remains is if I can still use the hair spray and take one of your mints.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true. Awesome blog!