Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who REALLY Watches Soap Operas?!

Last week, it was announced that the soap opera, Guiding Light, is heading off the air after 72 years—that’s right—72 YEARS on the tube. Shocking that a show can last that long? Or shocking that I, myself, cannot last longer than 72 seconds watching this horrific television genre.

I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t understand how people can watch soap operas.

Ok, lied. I do know what it is.

It is the poor and overly-dramatic acting and the cheesy storylines. Now I know the target audience is housewives, but seriously—WHO is watching this television nonsense, enough so that it is an hour-a-day, five-hour-a-week commitment!

I’m not saying I watch the most quality shows on television (perhaps a blog post about The Real Housewives to come...), but I find it hard to believe that anyone can take Days of Our Lives or General Hospital seriously when the random hot guy on the street could probably act just as well as a castmember or the 8th grader in middle school could write up the script just as well as the current ones. Harsh words, I know.

The reality is, I just don’t understand how these writers or producers can create these episodes daily and think that its quality acting, quality stories, and essentially, quality television!

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