Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Wanna Rock!? See Rock of Ages on Broadway!

Beer and Broadway.

No, its not an oxymoron, but the description of Rock of Ages -- one of the most unique Broadway experiences I've had. Part Broadway show, part rock concert, and as a winner of front row lottery tickets for $26.50, it was ALL worth it!

Rock of Ages, starring former American Idol winner, Constantine Maroulis, who actually did a fantastic job, portrays a barback in the 80s hoping to make it big as a rocker. He falls for a smal-town girl, living in a lonely world (yes, "Don't Stop Believing" is one of the many 80s songs you'll be rocking out to!)

But unlike some Broadway shows, Rock of Ages has a plot, and a lot of great laughs. My particular favorite is when Lonny points out to Drew (Maroulis) that he's actually currently living his life in a Broadway show. The start of every song played will have you looking at the person next to you and say, "Yesssss, great song!!!" And yes, you'll be saying it with a beer in hand, too.

The best part though, is that most guys will enjoy Rock of Ages too, and the fact that they don't have to check their masculinity at the door for this type of show. Now maybe you won't be as lucky as I was to win front row tickets, but you're bound to enjoy it, "Any Way You Want It," so long as you "Wanna Rock!"

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