Sunday, December 20, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Movies I Want to See in Theaters Now

I honestly can't remember the last time I went to the movies (
not a big fan, remember? ) but I did mention in the link that I don't normally go when the selection is, well, crappy. But now that Oscar season is on the horizon, I even had a hard time narrowing down the field to the Top 3 movies I not WANT to, but NEED to see now so that I can fully appreciate watching the Oscars in February!

1) Avatar
It took James Cameron 15 years to create his new film Avatar, and considering the guy was behind the mega-classic Titanic, we have to believe this movie is the real deal, right? Well based on intrigue alone, I'd love to see if Cameron's hard work paid off. The film is based on a human who crosses over to an alien world that he must fight to save--a plot that normally doesn't seem to appeal to me. But the new-age technology Cameron used is supposedly worthy of seeing alone, according to the critics, who didn't get a chance to screen the movie before it came out. Guess we're all in the same boat watching it for the first time, so long as that boat isn't the Titanic...

2) Nine
Ah, now this is definitely more my speed. As a fan of musicals and most of the movie musicals, I'm excited to see what's in store for this newest creation and how well this All-Star cast can do (We know Fergie can sing, but what about Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz and the still-stunning Sophia Loren?). Critics were NOT so kind to this film, and even though I'm expecting a weak plot, somehow the musical numbers always find a way to entertain me.

3) Precious
Expect this to be the Little Miss Sunshine of the Oscars. Every year, a low-budget film seems to sweep us away with its real-life subject matter or its satirical take on life (remember Juno?). Precious is a harrowing tale of a teenager who struggles with an abusive childhood and what it takes to overcome it all. Singer Mariah Carey sans makeup and the comedian Monique give Oscar-worthy performances in a movie that is probably anything BUT precious to watch, but definitely worth seeing!

Honorable Mentions: The Blind Side (Sandra Bullock), Up in the Air (George Clooney)

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