Saturday, September 26, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Why I Hate the Start of Fall

1) It Marks the End of Summer
For as long as we are in school, we are conditioned to believe that the summer represents freedom and independence from all responsibility. Lay out by the beach or pool, go on a yacht, have a barbecue--are all things we do to relax. So once the fall season arrives, it suddenly feels like the vacation of summer is over, and for those who actually go back to school, it is. Not to mention that it gets dark earlier, which is even MORE depressing!

2) What the Hell Do I Wear Everyday!
Ok so now the weather is getting cooler, it's hard to figure out what to wear when its still slightly warm during the day, yet chilly at night. So I'm forced to feel like I have menopause when I continue to put my light jacket off and on. But regardless, unless I forever layer up, I will not be prepared for the change of weather, and thus, like most people this time of year, succumb to catching a cold because of it!

3) The Return of Decent Television
Now this one has its pros and cons. While I love the return and premieres of new TV shows, I find myself TIVOing everything, and find myself stuck in front of a TV on my days off. While it is entertaining, I feel like a waste of life sitting on my coach for hours straight. What I do need to do is start eliminating the non-contenders, but that still leaves me with about 6 hours a week of TV! Not good when I'm trying to maintain some semblance of a social life!

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