Sunday, September 6, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Reasons Why It's OK to Be Cheap

1) Maybe You Just Don't Have the Money!
People are so quick to judge others who chose to shop at Target or Forever 21 for clothes, eat at McDonald's or not eat out at all, or buy just one drink or none at all when they go out. Because let's face it, living gets expensive. So your job pays a little or you don't even have a job to begin with right now, sometimes looking cheap is OK when it's all you can afford!

2) It's More Fun to Brag About How Much You Saved!
This category is for me, as I'm known to take pride is the savings I get when I purchase something on sale (Have you read my Bargain Shopping Post?) Sure, if you can afford to buy J Brand jeans for $200, more power to you. But even if you do have the money, isn't it more satisfying to know you can get the same-looking jeans for a quarter of the price if you shop smart?

3) It's the Principle!
I will continue to believe in this one. If someone gipped me out of $2 when something should have been on sale and didn't ring up, or if a waitress added an extra dollar to the total bill, they're going to hear from me. Sure its chump change in the end, but it's the principle of others trying to get one over us!

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