Friday, November 13, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Attractions They Need to Bring Back

Ironically, all of the following were pretty much lined up back-to-back-to-back back in the day in my hometown, none of which remain. Maybe your hometown wasn't like mine, but it got me thinking that the classic staples of the days of old are no longer around today!

1) Drive-In Movies Theaters
Now this was unfortunately before my time--but WHY are they no longer prevalent today? I haven't done my research to know why they disappeared in the first place, but I'm pretty sure the concept is great. Watch the movie in the privacy of your own car, and to some who found it to be the perfect date, I say "watch" loosely. Sure, there are some Drive-In theaters still around today, but I say modernize them, sell some fun food, and let's bring this baby back!

2) Roller Rinks
Now I might be biased because my Grandpa owned a roller rink (opened the Commack Roller Rink that featured Rosie O'Donnell as an employee!), but roller rinks were a classic hangout spot at night, and there was nothing cooler than circling around the rink in those groovy skates. But while ice skating rinks are still a common activity today, I say melt the ice and bring on the roller blades!

3) Flea Markets
Sure, it's a glorified garage sale, but sometimes you can get lucky with great finds and great bargains. (Yes, this post is a byproduct of my many visits to my grandparents in Boca and our frequent Flea Market trips). I'm not saying it's the preferred method of shopping, but little odds and ends, or even larger purchases can be bought at a bargain basement price. Not to mention, the fun of haggling prices!

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