Sunday, November 1, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Types of People That Bother Me

1) Flaky People
We all know these kinds. The ones you try to make plans with but they never respond. The ones that tell you one thing when you know they're lying to your face. The ones who say they'll show up to an event but come an hour later. "Oh I never got your text" or "oh, you wanted to meet this Friday? I thought you said next Friday..." Right...While some people acknowledge their flaky ways, others have no idea they're like that!

2) Opinionated People
I have an opinion for you--I can't stand opinionated people. Ever talk to a person that always just happens to be right? No matter what you say, they have something to try to top you. They start a heated debate for no reason, always have to get the last word in, they claim they know best, and quite frankly, even if they do, I can't be bothered. I don't have the energy or care enough normally to be right in situations, but when I encounter opinionated people, sometimes I really do want to put them in their place!

3) People With No Social Awareness
Ever work in an office with someone who shouts rudely, laughs obnoxiously or doesn't know what conversations should stay out of the workplace? What about those act immature at a library, stick their feet out in an aisle in a restaurant, or have a crude sense of humor in front of their significant other's parents? Or what about those people that start conversations with you, without realizing you want no business talking to them, but they won't let you out of the chat? Somehow, someway, people have no awareness of how to act in social settings!

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