Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Automated Customer Service: I HATE YOU.

What you are about to read is a true story between a customer and a frigging automated machine.

Welcome to our customer service line. Before we begin, I'd like to ask you a series of questions. How long have you had this product?
2 weeks.
I'm sorry. Did you say...3 weeks?
2... WEEKS.
I'm sorry. Did you say...2 years?
Oh my god I hate you.
I'm sorry. I didn't understand you.
Ahhhhh! [Pressing 0. Pressing 0.]
Ok. We will connect you with a customer service representative.
[2 minutes go by]
I'm sorry. We are experiencing a high volume of calls. Please try again later. Goodbye. *CLICK*

WHAT THE $@%#!!!!!!!

Am I the only one who wants to stick a knife in my eye when I deal with these
automated machines?? Now I consider myself pretty technologically savvy. I mean, after all, at age 24, it's my generation that should be able to handle it, right? Wrong. I'm even getting worked up right now writing this when I think about how frustrating it is! Argh!!!

But we can't argue that it's a sign of the times. Look at the movie Up In The Air. Human interaction becomes secondary when computerizing business is a cheaper alternative. So where does this leave us?

Well today, we're left with either suffering through automated machines or speaking to a rep that's been outsourced from overseas. Either way, they're not going to understand the English coming out of our mouths!

So what are we to do?

To do our best to avoid calling customer service, press 1.
To make sure you take blood pressure medicine before you call and have a warm bath waiting for you after, press 2.
To stick it out every time with the hope someone, eventually, for the life of you, can solve your issue, please stay on the line, and a customer representative will be with you shortly. And by shortly...we mean a half hour, that is if we don't hang up on you before...thank you for your patience.

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