Sunday, March 7, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Thoughts on the Oscars

1) The Martin-Baldwin Hosting Duo
When the Oscars announced there would be not one but TWO hosts this year, some wondered how it would work. The "It's Complicated" co-stars proved that it WAS complicated to make their presence felt in what could have been a more comical presentation. The duo seemed absent at times throughout the show, even though they were able to bounce their jokes off one another at the start. I wonder why the Academy felt compelled to give the open to Neil Patrick Harris though..perhaps he should have done what he has done best, which is host yet another award show. Or perhaps they should have tapped my #2 as host...

2) Ben Still as an Avatar
Every year Ben Stiller delivers the laughs at the Oscars (remember him mocking Joaquin Phoenix after his Letterman interview last year?) Stiller dressed as an Avatar and teased James Cameron, while a fishing rod controlling his tail. Classic. It is moments like this that remind us that the Oscars needed more moments like THIS. The show had two comedians hosting and the jokes were few and far between one technical category after another. With Stiller's spoofing ability, I'd like to see him considered as a host of the Oscars in 2011.

3) The Best and Worst Dressed of the Night
Was it Sarah Jessica Parker who showed up at the Oscars or Carrie Bradshaw? Parker had the most stunning and innovative dress of the night, and I'll be checking any store that sells a knockoff of the creative strap neckline that Chanel designed. Other notable best dressed: Merryl Streep looking stunning in a white long-sleeve gown, and Demi Moore in a strapless peach flowing dress that showcased just how great her 46-year-old body looks. Worst dressed? Sorry J. Lo, I'm not feeling the excess baggage hanging off your side and while I know Sandra Bullock wants to be taken seriously after her 1st Oscar nod, she was trying a little too hard to fit in with a look that appeared a bit off.

1 comment:

Site Editor: Sarah said...

Ben Stiller's Na'vi was my favorite look of the night! Definitely had a great laugh at that!