Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Favorite Bar Food

1) Nachos
There is no better bar food that provides the maximum amount of bites great for sharing and a variety of toppings than my guilty pleasure, nachos! I know if I go out for a happy hour with friends, that's all great and fun. But deciding to order nachos is the real excitement of the night--especially when it comes with my favorite, guacamole.

2) Boneless Buffalo Wings
I think I should move to Buffalo. Because every time I see Buffalo on a menu, my eyes and stomach gravitate towards it. With the amount of hot sauce and breading, I may feel like I might go into cardiac arrest. But I love love loveeee spicy food and as sick as I may feel after eating this crap, it tastes so damn good it's worth the pain and extra pounds. But it's definitely not worth eating the actual skin of the wings, which to this day, I can't understand. Hence, I stick with the boneless baby!

3) Sweet Potato Fries
One of the greatest news I heard was that sweet potato is actually healthier than regular potato. JACKPOT. Because this is yet another menu item I can't turn down. Why this isn't offered everywhere regular French fries are sold, I don't know. But I can eat these like they're candy. In fact, if they made a sweet potato candy, I might have to eat it. In fact, if they're going to make anything, it better be Sweet Buffalo Nachos!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice guide! thank you!/I love it ! Very creative ! That's actually really cool Thanks.

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