Sunday, July 11, 2010

Top 3 of the Week: Why LeBron Choosing the Heat Was the Wrong Choice

Notice how Wade is in the middle...NOT LeBron...
1) He Just Wants to Win
Those were the words from LeBron James, who claimed he changed his mind (from what team, we don't know) to become the 3-headed monster (2 and a half if you count how tiny Bosh's head is) in Miami. But you see the problem is that when and if he does win with the Heat, it won't be the way Jordan or Kobe won their ring. LeBron took the easy way out to join Wade. He gave up on being the main man, the superstar, the go-to player to sell himself short. And there's no doubt in anyones mind that LeBron better get a championship in Miami otherwise his choice to become a piece of the puzzle and not the centerpiece will forever be questioned.

2) His Brand Took a Hit
Let's look at this conceptually. Already labeled The Three Kings of Bosh, Wade & LeBron and already having superstar Wade as the face of the franchise, where does that leave LeBron in the marketing plans? A-Rod is one of the biggest names on the game but the Yankees aren't his team, it's Jeter's, the captain. Every billboard, ad and promo will undoubtedly include LeBron and Wade and Bosh. So the guy who claims he can't do it alone on the court joins the 1 team in the mix who's got too many big names to promote the team off the court.

3) His Image Took a Hit
It's bad enough this whole LeBron chase, concluded by the unprecented hour-long tv special that had the country screaming "Enough about LeBron already!" And with his controversial choice after this whole 'Courting the King' process, there's a good chance he might be booed just about everywhere except Miami (and with the burning of his Cavs jersey in Cleveland, we can only imagine the reception.) I'd have more respect for him if he chose to remain in Cleveland and add some pieces to a team that was one of the best in the league. Or even join my poor Knicks, who could give him the biggest stage in the world and potential future teammate Carmelo Anthony. But joining Wade's team as Wade's piece to a championship just doesn't make sense.


Anonymous said...

How can a blog be a show, worry about your own brand.

Brooke Schneider said...

OK, simmer down, Heats fan. and when you do, why don't you watch one of my video rants, that just so happens to be a viewable--what some might call--show.