Thursday, June 11, 2009

College-Best Four Years of Your Life? I HOPE NOT!

'College is the best four years of your life.'

Whoever originated that phrase must have been drunk.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved college, and remember it fondly (I did only graduate last year). But best four years of your life? How depressing is that to know you’ve already experienced the best time in your life by the ripe old age of 22.

Now for me, and maybe it’s just me, the best four years of my life are going to be:

1) the year I meet and fall in love with my future husband

2) the year I actually marry my husband

3) the year my first child is born

4) the year we move into a house and build our life and family together

The best four years of my life are not:

1) the year I gained my freshman 15

2) the year I first chalked my ID

3) the year I ate chicken salad 20 times per week because it was the only thing I enjoyed at the Dining Hall

4) the year I was scared out of my mind when I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life

Again, I loved college, met some great friends, accomplished a lot, but if it’s the best four years of my life, I ask (in the most dramatic voice possible)

what’s the point of livingggggg?!

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