Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Top 3: Fascinating Things I Still Can't Wrap My Head Around

1) Airplanes
Am I the only one who still feels like a little kid when my plane lifts off the ground and I point down at the ant-like people? Conceptually speaking, its pretty fascinating to know that we humans can sit in a man-made machinery and ride above the clouds. I still look forward to riding airplanes, almost so much so that it becomes my actual vacation. Ride it one way, and turn around home when I'm at the next airport. (I keed, I keed :)

2) Pregnancy
Now I know when I have my own child, it's going to feel like a miracle, but I can't help but think how FREAKY it is to have a living thing growing inside your body. Granted, that living thing is your child that you will love unconditionally and take care of the rest of your life, but damnn...to go to bed at night with stomach pains, only to realize its the creature inside you kicking, that's got to be a bit freaky, no? (ok fine...your child is NOT a "creature")

3) Telephones
This isn't a new invention like the airplane, but still is mindboggling to me. As advanced as we are technologically speaking, I'm still in awe as to how we can communicate via the basic telephone from various locations around the world. I was in the middle of the desert in Israel talking to my mom on the phone from our house in Long Island. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?

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