Sunday, June 28, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Reactions to Last Week's Deaths

Everything happens in 3's they say, and that includes not just last week's celebrity deaths, but the top 3 of the week!

1) Ed McMahan
Ok so at 86, I can't really say your death was a tragedy. You lived a long life, and there's nothing to feel sorry for, except for the fact that the last years of your life were spent nearly bankrupt thanks to poorly managing your savings. To me, you won't be remembered as the "Tonight Show" sidekick but rather an intruder onto someone's lawn carrying a massive size check.
Leaves behind: NO ASSETS! The man was practically bankrupt!

2) Farrah Fawcett
Boy, did you pick a bad day to kick the bucket. Your death certainly was "untimely," as only hours later, the King of Pop stole your crown in the spotlight and top story in the news. Your death was tragic, but not unexpected, as your battle with anal cancer (ouch) was highly publicized and left us wondering, like Patrick Swayze, just how many days you had left.
Leaves behind: Eery footage from recent documentary about battle with cancer, and oh yeah, photos like these that might still be up on walls of male fans!

3) Michael Jackson
Now we're talking shocker. Kudos to Jackson for the capability of captivating the attention and remorse from the entire globe (heck for all we know, his alien looking counterparts in this universe might be shedding a tear, too). Hard to say whether or not we can really feel his death, as right now, through the playing of his music, purchase of his cds, and tv specials, Jackson is more alive than ever.
Leaves behind: Countless hits that will live on forever, and that Neverland Ranch that should probably be destroyed!

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