Monday, June 22, 2009

Top 3 of the Week: Reasons Why I Hate the Beach

1) The Sand
There's nothing I find more gross than finding sand everywhere, not just when you're at the beach, but when you come home (and we all know what I mean by everywhere). I think my hatred towards the sand stems from a traumatizing experience when I was younger, when a bratty little daughter of my mom's friend threw sand all over my head. It was at that moment, I knew, my life on the beach, would never, be the same.

2) The Water
If I have the ocean water go up past my knees, that is an accomplishment. Swimming with seaweed, sand, jelly fish and oh yeah, even the possibility of SHARKS, just doesn't seem like the most enjoyable pastime. Oh, did I mention the delicious tasting saltwater that gets in your mouth? The one satisfaction I get out of the ocean is the waves, and since I've mastered creating waves through the use of floats in pools, I'm content.

3) The People
One of the beauties of tanning and swimming by a pool is privacy. Having to deal with screaming children running across your towel, or having to see that overweight man in his tiny Speedo, are things I like to avoid when I'm enjoying a relaxing day in the sun.

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