Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Am Officially Part of the Apple Cult

Never in my life have I experienced something like this. An ultimate bond. An undeniable trust. An over-the-top obsession.

Ladies and gentleman, if you have never met an owner of a Mac computer, brace yourself when you do.

Obsession, is an understatement.

If you ever diss an Apple computer in front of a Mac user, it's as if you've insulted their unborn child. If you ever praise it? Well it's like you've become their new best friend. And from what I learned, if you talk to a Mac user and let them know you've bought a Mac, why it's like you've converted to their religion.

Ok, I don't think you need to worry about me going this far.

What I want to know is how Apple is capable of creating such a strong fan base, that it's almost turned into a cult. And what I'd like to see, if I, now a new Apple user, am going to be a part of it. Do you see Dell user's unite in Facebook groups? No. Do you see North Face customers discuss the details of their purchases in their free time? Absolutely not. Only Apple has the capabilities of such.

Time will tell if I'm going to follow the trend and, but all I know is that I've crossed over to the dark side. And by the "dark side," I mean a better functioning, sleeker look, trendier features, and a more socially acceptable side of computers.



Brian said...

While I have a MBP as well, as a graphic designer my job basically requires me to have one, I have one major qualm with them, lack of individuality.

You can get what seems like 400 thousand different kinds of Dell computers that all do exactly the same thing with the same specifications. But when you get a MacBook Pro, its silver, The End. And such a sexy piece of machinery should not have stickers put on them, You end up having to spend more money on some sort of protective skin to put on it that you can personalize.

Welcome to the ocean of silver you'll learn to love it.

Brooke Schneider said...

Thanks for the comment, and yes..I was wondering what to do with those stickers! I do like the simplicity of the MacBook..I like the few options considering I don't much from computers, the option was go with the $1000, or the one worth $150 more.